Sasini PLC

Sasini PLC
Sasini PLC is a public quoted company listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange with over 6,000 shareholders, majority of whom are Kenyans. The principal activities of this Company, which straddle the breadth of Kenya, include the growing and processing of tea, coffee, avocado, macadamia nuts and value addition of the related products for local retail and export markets, including tea warehousing facilities in the port town of Mombasa. All of the Company’s production activities are certified under various internationally recognized certification standards which include: ISO 22000:2005, Rainforest Alliance, C.A.F.E Practice, Fairtrade, GlobalG.A.P, FSSC and IFS to assure our buyers of prudent employment of food safety handling techniques, quality products and traceability at all levels of production. The group is positively inclined to corporate social investment (CSI) and has in place, a policy that supports healthcare, educational development and empowerment of our employees and the neighbouring host communities in the areas we operate in. In this regard, the group maintains four (4) primary schools and one (1) secondary school, a health facility offering both in-patient and out-patient medical services and supports early childhood development by offering relevant learning facilities to this group as well as providing creches/day care centers for working lactating or nursing mothers, on the estates.